Saturday, September 19, 2009

What are MRR and PLR Rights?

When trying to decide between affiliate marketing vs। selling your own products, many choose the affiliate route because they don't have any products to sell। However, what many people don't realize is that there are hundreds of products they can purchase and resell as their own। Take a look at the rights and check for MRR, PLR, or Giveaway rights। MRR, PLR, Giveaway, just what are these anyway? These are the rights the creator of a product can give so that other people can use their products in their own business. Let's take a look at the different rights and see what is right for you.

Personal use - this license allows only you to use the product for your personal needs. It could be a template which you can modify and put to your website, graphic objects and even some useful ebooks just for you to read.

Give Away Rights - this license allows you to give the product away, but you can't sell it and, in most cases, you can't make any changes to it। Some authors do allow branding, meaning that you can modify some of the affiliate links within and add your name. What's so good about giving away products? Well, they are a great way to draw in traffic. You can offer a free product if the user signs up for your newsletter, for example. Once they have signed up and received the free product, you are allowed to send follow up emails that offer helpful information and where you can promote other products.

Resell Rights (RR) - this type of license allows you to resell the product। Often, there is a maximum and minimum price you are allowed to use. In most cases, you are not allowed to change the product, or to put your name on it as the creator. It also does not give you the right to sell the resell rights to others.

Master Resell Rights (MRR) - this type of license is the same as resell rights, with one exception। With Master Resell Rights, you have resell rights and can give Master Resell Rights to others. This means that anyone receiving the product from you can also sell it.

Private Label Rights (PLR) - this type of license is the best available. With PLR, you have the right to make any changes you want to make to the product and you can put your name on it as the creator. You have the right to sell resell rights and/or Master Resell Rights. Once you have it, it is considered your product and you do anything you want with it. If you've purchased unrestricted or transferable Private Label Rights, you can even pass along both the source files and the Private Label Rights to your own customers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Amazing Technology and Your Online Marketing Strategy

If your online marketing strategy isn’t working, then you might need to introduce some technology to your website। If you current marketing promotions are going well, then you might be able to improve them even more with some added technology. Fancy bells and whistles on a website just for fun aren’t the type of technology that will help you increase sales and grow your business. But technology designed to do some very specific things can make quite a difference.

If you sell products, there are some website enhancements you’ll want to consider in your online marketing strategy। Of course, you must have clear pictures of your products, with more than one picture per product, ideally. You’ll want the customer to be able to click the picture and enlarge it to see the product even more clearly. There’s no real technology involved with that. But to give the customer the closest experience possible to actually being able to pick up and examine the product, look into the software that allows you to show 3D images on your website. The customer can click on the image or on a slider bar and drag to turn the image completely around so they can get a better feel for the object. This online marketing strategy is becoming more popular as companies realize how effective it is.

You could also look into the software that allows a customer to hold the mouse pointer over an image and zoom into it। This usually also allows the customer to move the mouse and see various parts of the object incredibly up close. Remember in your online marketing strategy that everything you do to bring the customer closer to the item they want to purchase will increase the likelihood of a sale. You’ll also want to ensure that your shopping cart and checkout system is as absolutely simple and easy as you can make it. Any slight hangup, delay or problem is just one more reason for the customer not to buy from you.

If you don’t sell products but services or information instead, don’t discount the addition of pictures to your website। Screen shots are particularly helpful when selling software, for instance. While adding pictures doesn’t require much technology, you’ll want to give your website more appeal by adding sound and video. When you’re selling a service, for instance, a video of someone explaining the service in a friendly, casual tone can go a long way toward giving a customer a positive impression. Even audio clips the customer can listen to that break down concepts into simple steps can be an important part of your online marketing strategy.

Video that shows screenshots and still shots as well as a person speaking or demonstrating something can be particularly effective. Get the software necessary to make these recording. Don’t forget how annoying it can be to have something suddenly start playing, though, so give the customer the option. Then add them to your website as part of your technology online marketing strategy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Adwords Elite How to Make Money Online With a Home Study Course

Adwords Elite is a home study program put together by Jason O’Brien which will show you how to begin making $200 a day within one week of starting the course। Does it sound incredible? Well it gets even better. You’re not going to be working 14 hour days to earn this kind of money. Jason shows you how to do it in less than 2 hours a day.

Jason uses Google Adwords to drive traffic to affiliate sites। If this sounds like “mumbo jumbo” to you, read on anyway because it could make you a lot of money.

When you type a search term into Google’s search engine, there are two types of listings that pop up। One is the organic search results which Google’s computer programs have determined to be the best matches for your search terms. You can’t pay Google to get these rankings.

But, there are also ads that appear on the search page। These are also determined by the search term a user enters. But, an advertiser can buy these ads which are listed above the organic results and on the right hand side.

These ads have a 25 character headline and two 35 character lines of copy plus a link to a web site। That’s not much space to get your point across.

Yet some people have mastered the art of short copy and they turn it into empires.
They do this by promoting affiliate products. Affiliate marketing is simply connecting buyers to sellers. The seller pays you a middleman fee to drive traffic to their site. In the case of some digital products, the middleman fee is up to 75% of the total purchase price.
Adwords Elite is a complete guide to conquering Google Adwords using affiliate marketing strategies।

Many beginners find that they lose money using pay per click techniques such as Adwords। They either get no clicks at the price they are willing to pay or they get too many clicks that don’t convert into sales. Either way, you’re pouring money down the drain.

Adwords Elite helps you to zero in on the best converting keywords. You’ll learn how to filter out the losers. You’ll also learn how to write ads that people can’t help but click on.
There’s a little known technique for getting higher rankings while paying less than the advertisers under you। Adwords Elite reveals this secret for the first time.

The best part about Adwords Elite is that it provides a step by step plan that anyone, no matter how much experience they have, can follow to make money right away with Google.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Craigslist for Beginners

Although Craigslist has been around in one form or another since 1995, there are still some who have no idea how to use Craigslist. These individuals are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to be a part of a growing and continually evolving online community. This community is an excellent resource for finding information, finding jobs, finding friends or dates, making purchases, selling items or discussing important issues. This article will provide a brief introduction to each of the major sections on Craigslist.

Community Section
The community section of Craigslist is very useful for finding a great deal of local information. This may include activities, events, activities and lost and found just to name a few. This is definitely the section to check out if you are looking for things to do or see in a particular area.

Personals Section
The Personals section is where individuals can meet platonic friends or romantic partners. This section is set up with a number of different categories making it possible for both heterosexuals and homosexuals to find potential dates. The personals section is restricted to users over 18 years of age.

Discussion Forums
The discussion forums provide a location for individuals to voice their opinions, answer questions or otherwise exchange information. This section is divided into a number of different categories to make it easier for users to find others who share their interests. Certain categories allow users to post without logging in while other sections require users to log in before posting.

Housing Section
Craigslist’s housing section offers a variety of options related to lodging. Users of this section can find apartments or homes available for rent, sublet opportunities, potential roommate situations, house or apartment swaps, real estate sales, vacation rentals and even storage, parking and office space for rent or sale.

For Sale Section
The for sale section of Craigslist is largely self explanatory. Like most sections, it is divided into a number of different categories. Each of these categories describes the types of items which are offered for sale within the category. Additionally, there is a wanted section where users may post advertisements seeking to purchase particular items. Not all of the items listed in the for sale section require a fee to be paid to receive the item. Some of these items are available for free or in barter situation.

Services Sections
In the services section, service providers may place advertisements for the types of services they offer. Advertisements should be placed in appropriate categories but if there is no appropriate category the advertisement may be placed in the generic small business section.

Jobs Section
The job section is by far the most extensive section on Craigslist. This section is broken down into a number of different categories to make it easier for users to search for potential career matches. Users may find full time as well as part time opportunities in this section as well as telecommute positions and contract positions.

Gigs Section
The gigs section is similar to the jobs section but advertisements in the gigs section are supposed to refer to one time only opportunities as opposed to ongoing work. For example advertisements for volunteer staff needed for a one day event should be placed in the gigs section while advertisements for full time staff positions should be placed in jobs.

Resumes Section
The resumes section enables job seekers to post their resumes. The key to getting noticed in this section is to use a catchy headline for the resume. The resumes are not divided into different categories making it difficult for users to search through these resumes.

Friday, September 11, 2009

All Around the World with Craigslist

Craigslist is an online community which offers members the opportunity to take a virtual trip around the world. There are Craigslist sites covering cities in all 50 states of the United States as well as sites for cities in over 50 different countries. With so much local and international coverage it is clear to see how users of Craigslist can virtually travel the globe through Craigslist. The existence of Craigslist communities around the world gives users all over the world a variety of opportunities including the ability to find international jobs, learn about cultural events, meet others in distant locations and find housing options in either different states or foreign countries.

Working Abroad
For many the appeal of working abroad may be very alluring. This is especially appealing to those who are young and do not have any commitments such as family keeping them from taking a risk and attempting to find a job abroad. Additionally, those who are financially secure and approaching retirement may be enticed to consider a foreign job. Although the possibility of working in another country may seem intimidating to some, there are others who may enjoy the opportunity to take on this type of adventure.

Learn about Cultural Events
Those who are planning a trip to another state or country may find the community section of Craigslist to be especially helpful. Here they can search for events which may be going on during their visit or activities which may be of interest to them during their trip.

In the community section of Craigslist, users can also find information relating to volunteer opportunities or classes of interest. They can also review the local news section of a particular location to learn more about what is going on in that particular area. All of this information can be useful for users who are planning a trip as well as for those who are just interested in learning more about another geographic location.

Make Long Distance Connections
The personals section may also be of interest to those who are planning a vacation to another geographic location. Those who do not know anyone in the area might post an advertisement seeking a tour guide to show them around the city or accompany them to events. Although this may seem like a risky endeavor to those who are less adventurous, it can lead to an excellent opportunity to have a native provide you with insider information on a particular location during your visit. Of course caution should be exercised to ensure the encounter is not potentially harmful. One way to avoid being placed in a potentially harmful situation is to agree to meet those found through a personals advertisement in a busy, public location during daylight hours and to never go to a secluded location with the individual.

Find a Place to Stay
Those who are looking for affordable housing in another location might consider the housing swap category under the housing section for a particular city. Here individuals post information regarding the type of home or apartment they have, the location of their housing and information regarding when and where they would like to find another homeowner to swap homes with for a set period of time. A housing swap may be an affordable way to eliminate lodging from a travel budget but it does come with some inherent problems. The primary problem is you have to first find another homeowner who is willing to offer their housing for a period of time, secondly you have to coordinate with the other owner to find a suitable time for the swap and finally you have to rely on the other individual’s description of their domicile. Additionally, the homeowner has to be willing to allow the other individual to use their own home for a period of time. This may make many feel uneasy because they may be fearful of their possessions being stolen or their house being damaged. However, those who are willing to take this risk may find an affordable solution to lodging costs.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Writing Articles as an Affordable Internet Marketing Method

From Overture, a keyword suggestion tool, you will see the millions of searches done to a certain keyword. When these keywords are typed on search boxes of search engines, indexed websites containing articles with those keywords will be displayed. And this is what leads traffic to websites with keyword-rich articles. Yes, the magic word is articles.

Content is king. You can say that again. That is why writing articles is one of the most utilized Internet marketing media today. Internet surfers just can't get enough of information on various fields. Providing information through these articles is a surefire way to drive hot traffic to your web site.

Why is this so? Here are the benefits that writing articles can give your Internet business.

1. It's absolutely free
Too good to be true? Not. Okay, you have to pay for your Internet Service Provider. That's it. All you need is your thoughts, your computer, and your hands. If you have those, nothing will stop you from typing words that will make you complete that article for your website. On which aspect of that process did you really shell out any cent? Maybe later when your electric bills come.

2. Your website will be noticed in a short period of time
Submit that article of yours to article directories that get the most web traffic and in no time your web site will be crawled. That is if you don't forget including your resource box or byline.

3. Obtain back links automatically
When you submit your articles to directories, surely, other websites will make use of your article too. With the copyright terms of your articles, the URL of your website will still be in tact and will subsequently direct more traffic to your website.

4. Improve your reputation
As an Internet marketer, if you plainly display your products on your website, you will not gain much conversion rate. Conversion is when your traffic converts to sales. You have to show that you are knowledgeable on your field. And what better way to show that than by writing articles that will allow you some bragging rights, right?

Just make your creative juices flow and jot down or key in those ideas quickly to jumpstart your article writing momentum. With those benefits listed above, a writer's block is the last problem you will ever be able to surmount.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How to Make $s out of low cost Internet Banners

For years now, internet banner advertising has captured the World Wide Web for it has become a large help in saving an amount of money while reaching beyond territories. Banner advertising played a major part in market trafficking all over the internet and many individuals and companies have bought themselves these cheap internet banner advertising. Some made use of it financially; others have no idea on what to do with it.

With your cheap internet banner advertisement, would you just sit in front of your computer and wait for people to notice you? Would you let your company get trampled by other company’s marketing strategies?

Okay, so you admit you bought internet banner advertising, but does that mean you won’t do anything about it because it costs cheap?

These following steps will help you get up on your feet and make your cheap internet banner advertising priceless. With these simple instructions, there will always have traffic on your website.

First, to be able to capture the attention of your target audience, your title and topic should be thought of with concern. You have to make the people believe that your cheap internet banner advertising is worthy of their time. The advertisement has to meet the audience’s need.

For the people to bring attention to your internet banner advertising, you should be able to raise the curiosity and convince the people. You should be able to deliver your products or services with strong words that may lead the target audience at deciding.

You should be able to constructs words on your advertisements that could lead the target audience that you are directly talking to them to give a sense of familiarity on your services.

As you persuade the people by calling for them and directing them to buy or entail your services, they give importance to your business proposal. Your cheap internet-based banner advertising will become one of the sought for ads there are.

Make sure to present your ads to the global community repeatedly to get them familiar with you and your services.

Always remember that having a website doesn’t mean it could sell products by itself. You must be sure to accompany it with marketing strategies. By buying banner advertising, you or your company would save time and money while achieving market sales. These internet banners advertising may come cheap, but it could lead you or your company to riches.